Module wideq.client

A high-level, convenient abstraction for interacting with the LG SmartThinQ API for most use cases.

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"""A high-level, convenient abstraction for interacting with the LG
SmartThinQ API for most use cases.
import json
import enum
import logging
import requests
import base64
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional

from . import core

#: Represents an unknown enum value.
_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown'
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("wideq.client")

class Monitor(object):
    """A monitoring task for a device.

    This task is robust to some API-level failures. If the monitoring
    task expires, it attempts to start a new one automatically. This
    makes one `Monitor` object suitable for long-term monitoring.

    def __init__(self, session: core.Session, device_id: str) -> None:
        self.session = session
        self.device_id = device_id

    def start(self) -> None:
        self.work_id = self.session.monitor_start(self.device_id)

    def stop(self) -> None:
        self.session.monitor_stop(self.device_id, self.work_id)

    def poll(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
        """Get the current status data (a bytestring) or None if the
        device is not yet ready.

            return self.session.monitor_poll(self.device_id, self.work_id)
        except core.MonitorError:
            # Try to restart the task.
            return None

    def decode_json(data: bytes) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data."""

        return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))

    def poll_json(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """For devices where status is reported via JSON data, get the
        decoded status result (or None if status is not available).

        data = self.poll()
        return self.decode_json(data) if data else None

    def __enter__(self) -> 'Monitor':
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb) -> None:

class Client(object):
    """A higher-level API wrapper that provides a session more easily
    and allows serialization of state.

    def __init__(self,
                 gateway: Optional[core.Gateway] = None,
                 auth: Optional[core.Auth] = None,
                 session: Optional[core.Session] = None,
                 country: str = core.DEFAULT_COUNTRY,
                 language: str = core.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) -> None:
        # The three steps required to get access to call the API.
        self._gateway: Optional[core.Gateway] = gateway
        self._auth: Optional[core.Auth] = auth
        self._session: Optional[core.Session] = session

        # The last list of devices we got from the server. This is the
        # raw JSON list data describing the devices.
        self._devices: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []

        # Cached model info data. This is a mapping from URLs to JSON
        # responses.
        self._model_info: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # Locale information used to discover a gateway, if necessary.
        self._country: str = country
        self._language: str = language

    def gateway(self) -> core.Gateway:
        if not self._gateway:
            self._gateway =
                self._country, self._language
        return self._gateway

    def auth(self) -> core.Auth:
        if not self._auth:
            assert False, "unauthenticated"
        return self._auth

    def session(self) -> core.Session:
        if not self._session:
            self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()
        return self._session

    def devices(self) -> Generator['DeviceInfo', None, None]:
        """DeviceInfo objects describing the user's devices.

        if not self._devices:
            self._devices = self.session.get_devices()
        return (DeviceInfo(d) for d in self._devices)

    def get_device(self, device_id) -> Optional['DeviceInfo']:
        """Look up a DeviceInfo object by device ID.

        Return None if the device does not exist.

        for device in self.devices:
            if == device_id:
                return device
        return None

    def get_device_obj(self, device_id):
        """Look up a subclass of Device object by device ID.

        Return a Device instance if no subclass exists for the device type.
        Return None if the device does not exist.
        from . import util

        device_info = self.get_device(device_id)
        if not device_info:
            return None
        classes = util.device_classes()
        if device_info.type in classes:
            return classes[device_info.type](self, device_info)
        LOGGER.debug('No specific subclass for deviceType %s, using default',
        return Device(self, device_info)

    def load(cls, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Client':
        """Load a client from serialized state.

        client = cls()

        if 'gateway' in state:
            client._gateway = core.Gateway.deserialize(state['gateway'])

        if 'auth' in state:
            data = state['auth']
            client._auth = core.Auth(
                client.gateway, data['access_token'], data['refresh_token']

        if 'session' in state:
            client._session = core.Session(client.auth, state['session'])

        if 'model_info' in state:
            client._model_info = state['model_info']

        if 'country' in state:
            client._country = state['country']

        if 'language' in state:
            client._language = state['language']

        return client

    def dump(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Serialize the client state."""

        out: Dict[str, Any] = {
            'model_info': self._model_info,

        if self._gateway:
            out['gateway'] = self._gateway.serialize()

        if self._auth:
            out['auth'] = self._auth.serialize()

        if self._session:
            out['session'] = self._session.session_id

        out['country'] = self._country
        out['language'] = self._language

        return out

    def refresh(self) -> None:
        self._auth = self.auth.refresh()
        self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()

    def from_token(cls, refresh_token,
                   country=None, language=None) -> 'Client':
        """Construct a client using just a refresh token.

        This allows simpler state storage (e.g., for human-written
        configuration) but it is a little less efficient because we need
        to reload the gateway servers and restart the session.

        client = cls(
            country=country or core.DEFAULT_COUNTRY,
            language=language or core.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
        client._auth = core.Auth(client.gateway, None, refresh_token)
        return client

    def model_info(self, device: 'DeviceInfo') -> 'ModelInfo':
        """For a DeviceInfo object, get a ModelInfo object describing
        the model's capabilities.
        url = device.model_info_url
        if url not in self._model_info:
            self._model_info[url] = device.load_model_info()
        return ModelInfo(self._model_info[url])

class DeviceType(enum.Enum):
    """The category of device."""

    WASHER = 201
    DRYER = 202
    STYLER = 203
    DISHWASHER = 204
    OVEN = 301
    MICROWAVE = 302
    COOKTOP = 303
    HOOD = 304
    AC = 401  # Includes heat pumps, etc., possibly all HVAC devices.
    AIR_PURIFIER = 402
    ROBOT_KING = 501  # Robotic vacuum cleaner?
    ARCH = 1001
    MISSG = 3001
    SENSOR = 3002
    SOLAR_SENSOR = 3102
    IOT_LIGHTING = 3003
    IOT_SMART_PLUG = 3005
    IOT_DUST_SENSOR = 3006
    EMS_AIR_STATION = 4001
    AIR_SENSOR = 4003

class DeviceInfo(object):
    """Details about a user's device.

    This is populated from a JSON dictionary provided by the API.

    def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: = data

    def model_id(self) -> str:

    def id(self) -> str:

    def model_info_url(self) -> str:

    def name(self) -> str:

    def type(self) -> DeviceType:
        """The kind of device, as a `DeviceType` value."""

        return DeviceType(['deviceType'])

    def load_model_info(self):
        """Load JSON data describing the model's capabilities.
        return requests.get(self.model_info_url).json()

BitValue = namedtuple('BitValue', ['options'])
EnumValue = namedtuple('EnumValue', ['options'])
RangeValue = namedtuple('RangeValue', ['min', 'max', 'step'])
#: This is a value that is a reference to another key in the data that is at
#: the same level as the `Value` key.
ReferenceValue = namedtuple('ReferenceValue', ['reference'])
StringValue = namedtuple('StringValue', ['comment'])

class ModelInfo(object):
    """A description of a device model's capabilities.

    def __init__(self, data): = data

    def value(self, name: str):
        """Look up information about a value.

        :param name: The name to look up.
        :returns: One of (`BitValue`, `EnumValue`, `RangeValue`,
            `ReferenceValue`, `StringValue`).
        :raises ValueError: If an unsupported type is encountered.
        d =['Value'][name]
        if d['type'] in ('Enum', 'enum'):
            return EnumValue(d['option'])
        elif d['type'] == 'Range':
            return RangeValue(
                d['option']['min'], d['option']['max'],
                d['option'].get('step', 1)
        elif d['type'].lower() == 'bit':
            bit_values = {opt['startbit']: opt['value'] for opt in d['option']}
            return BitValue(bit_values)
        elif d['type'].lower() == 'reference':
            ref = d['option'][0]
            return ReferenceValue([ref])
        elif d['type'].lower() == 'string':
            return StringValue(d.get('_comment', ''))
            raise ValueError(
                f"unsupported value name: '{name}'"
                f" type: '{str(d['type'])}' data: '{str(d)}'")

    def default(self, name):
        """Get the default value, if it exists, for a given value.

    def enum_value(self, key, name):
        """Look up the encoded value for a friendly enum name.
        options = self.value(key).options
        options_inv = {v: k for k, v in options.items()}  # Invert the map.
        return options_inv[name]

    def enum_name(self, key, value):
        """Look up the friendly enum name for an encoded value.
        options = self.value(key).options
        if value not in options:
                'Value `%s` for key `%s` not in options: %s. Values from API: '
                '%s', value, key, options,['Value'][key]['option'])
            return _UNKNOWN
        return options[value]

    def reference_name(self, key: str, value: Any) -> Optional[str]:
        """Look up the friendly name for an encoded reference value.

        :param key: The referenced key.
        :param value: The value whose name we want to look up.
        :returns: The friendly name for the referenced value.  If no name
            can be found None will be returned.
        value = str(value)
        reference = self.value(key).reference
        if value in reference:
            return reference[value]['_comment']
        return None

    def binary_monitor_data(self):
        """Check that type of monitoring is BINARY(BYTE).
        return['Monitoring']['type'] == 'BINARY(BYTE)'

    def decode_monitor_binary(self, data):
        """Decode binary encoded status data.
        decoded = {}
        for item in['Monitoring']['protocol']:
            key = item['value']
            value = 0
            for v in data[item['startByte']:item['startByte'] +
                value = (value << 8) + v
            decoded[key] = str(value)
        return decoded

    def decode_monitor_json(self, data):
        """Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data."""
        return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))

    def decode_monitor(self, data):
        """Decode  status data."""
        if self.binary_monitor_data:
            return self.decode_monitor_binary(data)
            return self.decode_monitor_json(data)

class Device(object):
    """A higher-level interface to a specific device.

    Unlike `DeviceInfo`, which just stores data *about* a device,
    `Device` objects refer to their client and can perform operations
    regarding the device.

    def __init__(self, client: Client, device: DeviceInfo):
        """Create a wrapper for a `DeviceInfo` object associated with a
        self.client = client
        self.device = device
        self.model: ModelInfo = client.model_info(device)

    def _set_control(self, key, value):
        """Set a device's control for `key` to `value`."""
            {key: value},

    def _get_config(self, key):
        """Look up a device's configuration for a given value.

        The response is parsed as base64-encoded JSON.
        data = self.client.session.get_device_config(
        data = base64.b64decode(data).decode('utf8')
            return json.loads(data)
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            # Sometimes, the service returns JSON wrapped in an extra
            # pair of curly braces. Try removing them and re-parsing.
            LOGGER.debug('attempting to fix JSON format')
                return json.loads(re.sub(r'^\{(.*?)\}$', r'\1', data))
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                raise core.MalformedResponseError(data)

    def _get_control(self, key):
        """Look up a device's control value."""
        data = self.client.session.get_device_config(

        # The response comes in a funky key/value format: "(key:value)".
        _, value = data[1:-1].split(':')
        return value

    def monitor_start(self):
        """Start monitoring the device's status."""
        mon = Monitor(self.client.session,
        self.mon = mon

    def monitor_stop(self):
        """Stop monitoring the device's status."""


class BitValue (options)



  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var options

Alias for field number 0

class Client (gateway: Union[Gateway, NoneType] = None, auth: Union[Auth, NoneType] = None, session: Union[Session, NoneType] = None, country: str = 'US', language: str = 'en-US')

A higher-level API wrapper that provides a session more easily and allows serialization of state.

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class Client(object):
    """A higher-level API wrapper that provides a session more easily
    and allows serialization of state.

    def __init__(self,
                 gateway: Optional[core.Gateway] = None,
                 auth: Optional[core.Auth] = None,
                 session: Optional[core.Session] = None,
                 country: str = core.DEFAULT_COUNTRY,
                 language: str = core.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) -> None:
        # The three steps required to get access to call the API.
        self._gateway: Optional[core.Gateway] = gateway
        self._auth: Optional[core.Auth] = auth
        self._session: Optional[core.Session] = session

        # The last list of devices we got from the server. This is the
        # raw JSON list data describing the devices.
        self._devices: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []

        # Cached model info data. This is a mapping from URLs to JSON
        # responses.
        self._model_info: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        # Locale information used to discover a gateway, if necessary.
        self._country: str = country
        self._language: str = language

    def gateway(self) -> core.Gateway:
        if not self._gateway:
            self._gateway =
                self._country, self._language
        return self._gateway

    def auth(self) -> core.Auth:
        if not self._auth:
            assert False, "unauthenticated"
        return self._auth

    def session(self) -> core.Session:
        if not self._session:
            self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()
        return self._session

    def devices(self) -> Generator['DeviceInfo', None, None]:
        """DeviceInfo objects describing the user's devices.

        if not self._devices:
            self._devices = self.session.get_devices()
        return (DeviceInfo(d) for d in self._devices)

    def get_device(self, device_id) -> Optional['DeviceInfo']:
        """Look up a DeviceInfo object by device ID.

        Return None if the device does not exist.

        for device in self.devices:
            if == device_id:
                return device
        return None

    def get_device_obj(self, device_id):
        """Look up a subclass of Device object by device ID.

        Return a Device instance if no subclass exists for the device type.
        Return None if the device does not exist.
        from . import util

        device_info = self.get_device(device_id)
        if not device_info:
            return None
        classes = util.device_classes()
        if device_info.type in classes:
            return classes[device_info.type](self, device_info)
        LOGGER.debug('No specific subclass for deviceType %s, using default',
        return Device(self, device_info)

    def load(cls, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Client':
        """Load a client from serialized state.

        client = cls()

        if 'gateway' in state:
            client._gateway = core.Gateway.deserialize(state['gateway'])

        if 'auth' in state:
            data = state['auth']
            client._auth = core.Auth(
                client.gateway, data['access_token'], data['refresh_token']

        if 'session' in state:
            client._session = core.Session(client.auth, state['session'])

        if 'model_info' in state:
            client._model_info = state['model_info']

        if 'country' in state:
            client._country = state['country']

        if 'language' in state:
            client._language = state['language']

        return client

    def dump(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Serialize the client state."""

        out: Dict[str, Any] = {
            'model_info': self._model_info,

        if self._gateway:
            out['gateway'] = self._gateway.serialize()

        if self._auth:
            out['auth'] = self._auth.serialize()

        if self._session:
            out['session'] = self._session.session_id

        out['country'] = self._country
        out['language'] = self._language

        return out

    def refresh(self) -> None:
        self._auth = self.auth.refresh()
        self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()

    def from_token(cls, refresh_token,
                   country=None, language=None) -> 'Client':
        """Construct a client using just a refresh token.

        This allows simpler state storage (e.g., for human-written
        configuration) but it is a little less efficient because we need
        to reload the gateway servers and restart the session.

        client = cls(
            country=country or core.DEFAULT_COUNTRY,
            language=language or core.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
        client._auth = core.Auth(client.gateway, None, refresh_token)
        return client

    def model_info(self, device: 'DeviceInfo') -> 'ModelInfo':
        """For a DeviceInfo object, get a ModelInfo object describing
        the model's capabilities.
        url = device.model_info_url
        if url not in self._model_info:
            self._model_info[url] = device.load_model_info()
        return ModelInfo(self._model_info[url])

Static methods

def from_token(refresh_token, country=None, language=None) ‑> Client

Construct a client using just a refresh token.

This allows simpler state storage (e.g., for human-written configuration) but it is a little less efficient because we need to reload the gateway servers and restart the session.

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def from_token(cls, refresh_token,
               country=None, language=None) -> 'Client':
    """Construct a client using just a refresh token.

    This allows simpler state storage (e.g., for human-written
    configuration) but it is a little less efficient because we need
    to reload the gateway servers and restart the session.

    client = cls(
        country=country or core.DEFAULT_COUNTRY,
        language=language or core.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
    client._auth = core.Auth(client.gateway, None, refresh_token)
    return client
def load(state: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> Client

Load a client from serialized state.

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def load(cls, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Client':
    """Load a client from serialized state.

    client = cls()

    if 'gateway' in state:
        client._gateway = core.Gateway.deserialize(state['gateway'])

    if 'auth' in state:
        data = state['auth']
        client._auth = core.Auth(
            client.gateway, data['access_token'], data['refresh_token']

    if 'session' in state:
        client._session = core.Session(client.auth, state['session'])

    if 'model_info' in state:
        client._model_info = state['model_info']

    if 'country' in state:
        client._country = state['country']

    if 'language' in state:
        client._language = state['language']

    return client

Instance variables

var authAuth
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def auth(self) -> core.Auth:
    if not self._auth:
        assert False, "unauthenticated"
    return self._auth
var devices : Generator[DeviceInfo, NoneType, NoneType]

DeviceInfo objects describing the user's devices.

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def devices(self) -> Generator['DeviceInfo', None, None]:
    """DeviceInfo objects describing the user's devices.

    if not self._devices:
        self._devices = self.session.get_devices()
    return (DeviceInfo(d) for d in self._devices)
var gatewayGateway
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def gateway(self) -> core.Gateway:
    if not self._gateway:
        self._gateway =
            self._country, self._language
    return self._gateway
var sessionSession
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def session(self) -> core.Session:
    if not self._session:
        self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()
    return self._session


def dump(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize the client state.

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def dump(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Serialize the client state."""

    out: Dict[str, Any] = {
        'model_info': self._model_info,

    if self._gateway:
        out['gateway'] = self._gateway.serialize()

    if self._auth:
        out['auth'] = self._auth.serialize()

    if self._session:
        out['session'] = self._session.session_id

    out['country'] = self._country
    out['language'] = self._language

    return out
def get_device(self, device_id) ‑> Union[DeviceInfo, NoneType]

Look up a DeviceInfo object by device ID.

Return None if the device does not exist.

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def get_device(self, device_id) -> Optional['DeviceInfo']:
    """Look up a DeviceInfo object by device ID.

    Return None if the device does not exist.

    for device in self.devices:
        if == device_id:
            return device
    return None
def get_device_obj(self, device_id)

Look up a subclass of Device object by device ID.

Return a Device instance if no subclass exists for the device type. Return None if the device does not exist.

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def get_device_obj(self, device_id):
    """Look up a subclass of Device object by device ID.

    Return a Device instance if no subclass exists for the device type.
    Return None if the device does not exist.
    from . import util

    device_info = self.get_device(device_id)
    if not device_info:
        return None
    classes = util.device_classes()
    if device_info.type in classes:
        return classes[device_info.type](self, device_info)
    LOGGER.debug('No specific subclass for deviceType %s, using default',
    return Device(self, device_info)
def model_info(self, device: DeviceInfo) ‑> ModelInfo

For a DeviceInfo object, get a ModelInfo object describing the model's capabilities.

Expand source code
def model_info(self, device: 'DeviceInfo') -> 'ModelInfo':
    """For a DeviceInfo object, get a ModelInfo object describing
    the model's capabilities.
    url = device.model_info_url
    if url not in self._model_info:
        self._model_info[url] = device.load_model_info()
    return ModelInfo(self._model_info[url])
def refresh(self) ‑> NoneType
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def refresh(self) -> None:
    self._auth = self.auth.refresh()
    self._session, self._devices = self.auth.start_session()
class Device (client: Client, device: DeviceInfo)

A higher-level interface to a specific device.

Unlike DeviceInfo, which just stores data about a device, Device objects refer to their client and can perform operations regarding the device.

Create a wrapper for a DeviceInfo object associated with a Client.

Expand source code
class Device(object):
    """A higher-level interface to a specific device.

    Unlike `DeviceInfo`, which just stores data *about* a device,
    `Device` objects refer to their client and can perform operations
    regarding the device.

    def __init__(self, client: Client, device: DeviceInfo):
        """Create a wrapper for a `DeviceInfo` object associated with a
        self.client = client
        self.device = device
        self.model: ModelInfo = client.model_info(device)

    def _set_control(self, key, value):
        """Set a device's control for `key` to `value`."""
            {key: value},

    def _get_config(self, key):
        """Look up a device's configuration for a given value.

        The response is parsed as base64-encoded JSON.
        data = self.client.session.get_device_config(
        data = base64.b64decode(data).decode('utf8')
            return json.loads(data)
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            # Sometimes, the service returns JSON wrapped in an extra
            # pair of curly braces. Try removing them and re-parsing.
            LOGGER.debug('attempting to fix JSON format')
                return json.loads(re.sub(r'^\{(.*?)\}$', r'\1', data))
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                raise core.MalformedResponseError(data)

    def _get_control(self, key):
        """Look up a device's control value."""
        data = self.client.session.get_device_config(

        # The response comes in a funky key/value format: "(key:value)".
        _, value = data[1:-1].split(':')
        return value

    def monitor_start(self):
        """Start monitoring the device's status."""
        mon = Monitor(self.client.session,
        self.mon = mon

    def monitor_stop(self):
        """Stop monitoring the device's status."""



def monitor_start(self)

Start monitoring the device's status.

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def monitor_start(self):
    """Start monitoring the device's status."""
    mon = Monitor(self.client.session,
    self.mon = mon
def monitor_stop(self)

Stop monitoring the device's status.

Expand source code
def monitor_stop(self):
    """Stop monitoring the device's status."""
class DeviceInfo (data: Dict[str, Any])

Details about a user's device.

This is populated from a JSON dictionary provided by the API.

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class DeviceInfo(object):
    """Details about a user's device.

    This is populated from a JSON dictionary provided by the API.

    def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: = data

    def model_id(self) -> str:

    def id(self) -> str:

    def model_info_url(self) -> str:

    def name(self) -> str:

    def type(self) -> DeviceType:
        """The kind of device, as a `DeviceType` value."""

        return DeviceType(['deviceType'])

    def load_model_info(self):
        """Load JSON data describing the model's capabilities.
        return requests.get(self.model_info_url).json()

Instance variables

var id : str
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def id(self) -> str:
var model_id : str
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def model_id(self) -> str:
var model_info_url : str
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def model_info_url(self) -> str:
var name : str
Expand source code
def name(self) -> str:
var typeDeviceType

The kind of device, as a DeviceType value.

Expand source code
def type(self) -> DeviceType:
    """The kind of device, as a `DeviceType` value."""

    return DeviceType(['deviceType'])


def load_model_info(self)

Load JSON data describing the model's capabilities.

Expand source code
def load_model_info(self):
    """Load JSON data describing the model's capabilities.
    return requests.get(self.model_info_url).json()
class DeviceType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

The category of device.

Expand source code
class DeviceType(enum.Enum):
    """The category of device."""

    WASHER = 201
    DRYER = 202
    STYLER = 203
    DISHWASHER = 204
    OVEN = 301
    MICROWAVE = 302
    COOKTOP = 303
    HOOD = 304
    AC = 401  # Includes heat pumps, etc., possibly all HVAC devices.
    AIR_PURIFIER = 402
    ROBOT_KING = 501  # Robotic vacuum cleaner?
    ARCH = 1001
    MISSG = 3001
    SENSOR = 3002
    SOLAR_SENSOR = 3102
    IOT_LIGHTING = 3003
    IOT_SMART_PLUG = 3005
    IOT_DUST_SENSOR = 3006
    EMS_AIR_STATION = 4001
    AIR_SENSOR = 4003


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var AC
var ARCH
var HOOD
var OVEN
class EnumValue (options)



  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var options

Alias for field number 0

class ModelInfo (data)

A description of a device model's capabilities.

Expand source code
class ModelInfo(object):
    """A description of a device model's capabilities.

    def __init__(self, data): = data

    def value(self, name: str):
        """Look up information about a value.

        :param name: The name to look up.
        :returns: One of (`BitValue`, `EnumValue`, `RangeValue`,
            `ReferenceValue`, `StringValue`).
        :raises ValueError: If an unsupported type is encountered.
        d =['Value'][name]
        if d['type'] in ('Enum', 'enum'):
            return EnumValue(d['option'])
        elif d['type'] == 'Range':
            return RangeValue(
                d['option']['min'], d['option']['max'],
                d['option'].get('step', 1)
        elif d['type'].lower() == 'bit':
            bit_values = {opt['startbit']: opt['value'] for opt in d['option']}
            return BitValue(bit_values)
        elif d['type'].lower() == 'reference':
            ref = d['option'][0]
            return ReferenceValue([ref])
        elif d['type'].lower() == 'string':
            return StringValue(d.get('_comment', ''))
            raise ValueError(
                f"unsupported value name: '{name}'"
                f" type: '{str(d['type'])}' data: '{str(d)}'")

    def default(self, name):
        """Get the default value, if it exists, for a given value.

    def enum_value(self, key, name):
        """Look up the encoded value for a friendly enum name.
        options = self.value(key).options
        options_inv = {v: k for k, v in options.items()}  # Invert the map.
        return options_inv[name]

    def enum_name(self, key, value):
        """Look up the friendly enum name for an encoded value.
        options = self.value(key).options
        if value not in options:
                'Value `%s` for key `%s` not in options: %s. Values from API: '
                '%s', value, key, options,['Value'][key]['option'])
            return _UNKNOWN
        return options[value]

    def reference_name(self, key: str, value: Any) -> Optional[str]:
        """Look up the friendly name for an encoded reference value.

        :param key: The referenced key.
        :param value: The value whose name we want to look up.
        :returns: The friendly name for the referenced value.  If no name
            can be found None will be returned.
        value = str(value)
        reference = self.value(key).reference
        if value in reference:
            return reference[value]['_comment']
        return None

    def binary_monitor_data(self):
        """Check that type of monitoring is BINARY(BYTE).
        return['Monitoring']['type'] == 'BINARY(BYTE)'

    def decode_monitor_binary(self, data):
        """Decode binary encoded status data.
        decoded = {}
        for item in['Monitoring']['protocol']:
            key = item['value']
            value = 0
            for v in data[item['startByte']:item['startByte'] +
                value = (value << 8) + v
            decoded[key] = str(value)
        return decoded

    def decode_monitor_json(self, data):
        """Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data."""
        return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))

    def decode_monitor(self, data):
        """Decode  status data."""
        if self.binary_monitor_data:
            return self.decode_monitor_binary(data)
            return self.decode_monitor_json(data)

Instance variables

var binary_monitor_data

Check that type of monitoring is BINARY(BYTE).

Expand source code
def binary_monitor_data(self):
    """Check that type of monitoring is BINARY(BYTE).
    return['Monitoring']['type'] == 'BINARY(BYTE)'


def decode_monitor(self, data)

Decode status data.

Expand source code
def decode_monitor(self, data):
    """Decode  status data."""
    if self.binary_monitor_data:
        return self.decode_monitor_binary(data)
        return self.decode_monitor_json(data)
def decode_monitor_binary(self, data)

Decode binary encoded status data.

Expand source code
def decode_monitor_binary(self, data):
    """Decode binary encoded status data.
    decoded = {}
    for item in['Monitoring']['protocol']:
        key = item['value']
        value = 0
        for v in data[item['startByte']:item['startByte'] +
            value = (value << 8) + v
        decoded[key] = str(value)
    return decoded
def decode_monitor_json(self, data)

Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data.

Expand source code
def decode_monitor_json(self, data):
    """Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data."""
    return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))
def default(self, name)

Get the default value, if it exists, for a given value.

Expand source code
def default(self, name):
    """Get the default value, if it exists, for a given value.
def enum_name(self, key, value)

Look up the friendly enum name for an encoded value.

Expand source code
def enum_name(self, key, value):
    """Look up the friendly enum name for an encoded value.
    options = self.value(key).options
    if value not in options:
            'Value `%s` for key `%s` not in options: %s. Values from API: '
            '%s', value, key, options,['Value'][key]['option'])
        return _UNKNOWN
    return options[value]
def enum_value(self, key, name)

Look up the encoded value for a friendly enum name.

Expand source code
def enum_value(self, key, name):
    """Look up the encoded value for a friendly enum name.
    options = self.value(key).options
    options_inv = {v: k for k, v in options.items()}  # Invert the map.
    return options_inv[name]
def reference_name(self, key: str, value: Any) ‑> Union[str, NoneType]

Look up the friendly name for an encoded reference value.

:param key: The referenced key. :param value: The value whose name we want to look up. :returns: The friendly name for the referenced value. If no name can be found None will be returned.

Expand source code
def reference_name(self, key: str, value: Any) -> Optional[str]:
    """Look up the friendly name for an encoded reference value.

    :param key: The referenced key.
    :param value: The value whose name we want to look up.
    :returns: The friendly name for the referenced value.  If no name
        can be found None will be returned.
    value = str(value)
    reference = self.value(key).reference
    if value in reference:
        return reference[value]['_comment']
    return None
def value(self, name: str)

Look up information about a value.

:param name: The name to look up. :returns: One of (BitValue, EnumValue, RangeValue, ReferenceValue, StringValue). :raises ValueError: If an unsupported type is encountered.

Expand source code
def value(self, name: str):
    """Look up information about a value.

    :param name: The name to look up.
    :returns: One of (`BitValue`, `EnumValue`, `RangeValue`,
        `ReferenceValue`, `StringValue`).
    :raises ValueError: If an unsupported type is encountered.
    d =['Value'][name]
    if d['type'] in ('Enum', 'enum'):
        return EnumValue(d['option'])
    elif d['type'] == 'Range':
        return RangeValue(
            d['option']['min'], d['option']['max'],
            d['option'].get('step', 1)
    elif d['type'].lower() == 'bit':
        bit_values = {opt['startbit']: opt['value'] for opt in d['option']}
        return BitValue(bit_values)
    elif d['type'].lower() == 'reference':
        ref = d['option'][0]
        return ReferenceValue([ref])
    elif d['type'].lower() == 'string':
        return StringValue(d.get('_comment', ''))
        raise ValueError(
            f"unsupported value name: '{name}'"
            f" type: '{str(d['type'])}' data: '{str(d)}'")
class Monitor (session: Session, device_id: str)

A monitoring task for a device.

This task is robust to some API-level failures. If the monitoring task expires, it attempts to start a new one automatically. This makes one Monitor object suitable for long-term monitoring.

Expand source code
class Monitor(object):
    """A monitoring task for a device.

    This task is robust to some API-level failures. If the monitoring
    task expires, it attempts to start a new one automatically. This
    makes one `Monitor` object suitable for long-term monitoring.

    def __init__(self, session: core.Session, device_id: str) -> None:
        self.session = session
        self.device_id = device_id

    def start(self) -> None:
        self.work_id = self.session.monitor_start(self.device_id)

    def stop(self) -> None:
        self.session.monitor_stop(self.device_id, self.work_id)

    def poll(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
        """Get the current status data (a bytestring) or None if the
        device is not yet ready.

            return self.session.monitor_poll(self.device_id, self.work_id)
        except core.MonitorError:
            # Try to restart the task.
            return None

    def decode_json(data: bytes) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data."""

        return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))

    def poll_json(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """For devices where status is reported via JSON data, get the
        decoded status result (or None if status is not available).

        data = self.poll()
        return self.decode_json(data) if data else None

    def __enter__(self) -> 'Monitor':
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb) -> None:

Static methods

def decode_json(data: bytes) ‑> Dict[str, Any]

Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data.

Expand source code
def decode_json(data: bytes) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Decode a bytestring that encodes JSON status data."""

    return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))


def poll(self) ‑> Union[bytes, NoneType]

Get the current status data (a bytestring) or None if the device is not yet ready.

Expand source code
def poll(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
    """Get the current status data (a bytestring) or None if the
    device is not yet ready.

        return self.session.monitor_poll(self.device_id, self.work_id)
    except core.MonitorError:
        # Try to restart the task.
        return None
def poll_json(self) ‑> Union[Dict[str, Any], NoneType]

For devices where status is reported via JSON data, get the decoded status result (or None if status is not available).

Expand source code
def poll_json(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """For devices where status is reported via JSON data, get the
    decoded status result (or None if status is not available).

    data = self.poll()
    return self.decode_json(data) if data else None
def start(self) ‑> NoneType
Expand source code
def start(self) -> None:
    self.work_id = self.session.monitor_start(self.device_id)
def stop(self) ‑> NoneType
Expand source code
def stop(self) -> None:
    self.session.monitor_stop(self.device_id, self.work_id)
class RangeValue (min, max, step)

RangeValue(min, max, step)


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var max

Alias for field number 1

var min

Alias for field number 0

var step

Alias for field number 2

class ReferenceValue (reference)



  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var reference

Alias for field number 0

class StringValue (comment)



  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var comment

Alias for field number 0